Archives Comps

#10. Shimmerscale

Corki variation: of things you need to keep in mind when playing shimmerscale:1. Knowing what the first shimmerscale item is very important.2. Having a viable carry that can use the correct items early game. 3. Swain for example can use…

#13. Astral Mages

This board is fairly flexible on what your level 9 could look like , if you need more dps and cc you can add a yasuo over soraka or 3 trainers.Taking and econ augment like Level up OR High end…

#06. Dragon Alliance/Horde

Knowing what the Mirage buff and the shimmerscale item is important in order to know how to itimize your dragons perfectly , at 9 you could add a supporting unit like a bard or a soraka ( to bait units…

#02. Sy’Fen Mages

Not a comp you can force. Play when you have an early Trainer start and transition your board to whatever trainer board is strongest whether that be Corki, Mages, Guild, Sy’fen, 10-Cost flex etc… Play three Trainers over Sona; you…

#05. Corki Flex

Corki has many viable options: Play whatever you hit and adjust your board around it. Itemization:Corki can have above items or Shiv + RB + RH.

#16. Sett Reroll

After hitting Sett 3* you need to cap out by hitting 9 Ragewings w/ Shyvana. Yasuo goes in at lvl.9 Items:Rageblade + QSS + Damage (DB, GS, TR, etc…)