
TFT terminology clarified and explained. If you have any words, acronyms or phrases feel free to message us or leave a comment below!



Used to describe a certain play or play style. Playing ‘aggressive’ means making riskier plays for better potential rewards. Often this means having a higher tempo, using up more resources to build an advantage now and capitalizing on that momentum to carry you.

Ex. Using gold to push levels early and slamming tempo items to maintain a winstreak


Tempo refers to the 'momentum' of the game and is controlled through the consumption of resources.

Units, gold, HP, time, items and augments are all resources. 'Using' more of these resources raises the tempo of the lobby and conserving resources lowers the tempo.

Ex. If a player spends resources to establish a stronger board the rest of the lobby is forced to spend their own resources one way or another -either by making their own boards stronger or by taking player damage.


Forgoing a safe play to gamble for a better position.


A ghost (also known as clone) is a copy of a board that gets created when there is an odd number of opponent's left to make up for the missing match up.

Ghost boards are significantly weaker at the moment due them not being able to copy certain aspects such as certain augments, traits and abilities. You also take less player damage against a ghost board as you only take damage from units still alive and not the stage damage. A tie with a ghost board in overtime also results in 0 player damage.


Essentially 'waiting' a turn. Regardless of the outcome it makes little to no impact on your game plan or placement.

Ex. You can can sack two rounds to go level 9 on 6-1


Rolling for a 3* unit. Reroll comps use 1 or more 3* units as their carry.

Ex. Sett Reroll is a comp where you 3* Sett.


Buying levels until you only have 2 exp left needed until the next level. This enables your next natural shop to have the higher level shop odds at the start of your next turn.

Pumping Levels

Buying exp without losing interest gold, usually to save time for the next round. You should never pump levels unless you're sure you don't need to roll on your current level.


Acronym for ‘Best in Slot’. The best 3-item combination that a unit could hold in a given situation.

Ex. Jhin's BIS is Infinity Edge, Last Whisper and Giantslayer but if there are a lot of Assassin's in your lobby Edge of Night or Bloodthirstier can be BIS.


A course or plan of action that is favourable or achievable


  1. This is a 'fast 9' angle
  2. I can see an Mirage angle from here
  3. It's always an 'Aatrox Reroll' angle


A hyperbole with several meanings, usually used to describe something of low value


  1. 2 Cannoneers is fake, it’s almost no extra damage -especially with 1* units (Set 7)
  2. 9 Jade is fake without a Jade emblem/heart
  3. Greeding BIS on Daeja is fake

Crowd Control

More commonly known as 'CC'. Stunning, manareaves and slows are all examples of CC. Having CC options in your comp is a key factor in building a strong late-game board.

Ex. Neeko is really good at CC'ing the front line


20 of the last 20 games in match history. Sometimes used to exaggerate.

Player 1: " Swain was so broken that you could 20/20 it to Masters"
Player 2: "But you can 20/20 anything to Masters"


Getting lucky/unlucky

Ex. Finding an early 4-cost carry at Stage 3 is a highroll, rotating into the player who found the 5-cost is a lowroll.

Open Sell

Selling units on your board without having replacements to put in. Open selling is only done to allow more time during a full or big transition. You should be confident in your chances of hitting your replacement units or risk taking a heavy loss.


The next unit that's going to be played in your comp the moment you level up. Commonly you do not sell your next-in to reach an econ interval as it cost more to roll down to find it again than to keep it.

Vertical / Horizontal Comps

Vertical comp refers to a trait synergy with a high number such as '9 Tempest' while horizontal comps refer to multiple lower number synergies such as '2 Scrap, 2 Bodyguard, 2 Snipers, 2 Enchanters and 2 Clockwork'.

In most cases horizontal comps are stronger, more well-rounded and harder to play while vertical comps just require you to pick one trait to stack up as high as you can making them usually weaker to play without outside circumstances such as an emblem or augment or in some cases, a poorly balanced patch or set.

Solo Front Line

'Solo front lining' a unit is when you place a singular unit by themselves in the front line. This can be done for many reasons with the most common being too maximize the value of 'Gargoyles Stoneplate' -an item that grants more stats the more enemies are targeting him. Putting a unit alone in the front almost always ensures they receive the most amount of targeting increasing it's defences.

There are other niche uses such as when you need to clump your entire team for whatever reason and you want to 'solo font line' one of your units to act as a bait to draw 'aggro' away from your clump.

Win Condition


1st or 8th

Making plays that either result in a 1st place or a 8th place.

Ex. Taking a spatula that you can't use at all, in hopes you get another one somehow to create a FON.


Mortdog is the head developer of TFT. Anything bad that happens in your game is entirely Mortdogs fault and you played perfectly.

Ex. "This game was a first if I didn't get mortdogged"


Trading wins. When a player purposely performs an action to help another player win they are 'Win-Trading'. This is a heavily frowned upon action and may even lead to actions taken against your account. In a 1v1 against a popular streamer some players may sell their board to purposely give the streamer a win.

Most often the term is used to mock some one who makes a missplay.

Ex. "Why is he positioned so poorly against me like that? Is he win-trading?"


Short for intentionally losing. Often used to exaggerate the reasoning behind a missplay.

Ex. "Oh! I sold my Hecarim by accident, I'm actually inting."

Never Punished

No matter how bad or risky you play it works out due to dumb luck.

Ex. Forgetting to switch sides to dodge the Shroud of Stillness that covers your entire team. It turns out your opponent mistook you for a good player and switched the Shroud to the other side anticipating your last second swap but instead he missed your entire team. Never punished.



Spatula. Often used in conjunction with another word to describe a specific Emblem.

Ex. Sin spat (Assassin Emblem), Cav spat (Cavalier Emblem)


Refers to the 'Tactician's Crown'. Before Set 6 the crown was named 'Force of Nature' and is why it's still called FON by most players.


Acronym for ‘Area of Effect’. The ‘effect’ takes place in an area rather than a singular target or hex. Any unit in that area will succumb to whatever the nature of the effect is, whether it be damage, a debuff or healing.


  1. Corki’s spell is an AOE explosion that damages everybody while Elise bites a single target.
  2. Redemption has AOE healing in a 1-hex radius.

Attack Damage. Refers to the amount of damage a unit will do with their Auto -Attack.


Ability Power. Refers to the amount of damage a unit will do with their Spell.


Blue Buff.


Edge of Night


Infinity Edge


Jewelled Gauntlet.


Bad Game/Good Game.